Chapter 1


Click the swordsmith outside the sword shop to speak with him.

Click the sleeping sailor on the dock to investigate.

Click the doormat in front of the tavern to find the Key.

Go back into the alley between the tavern and the barn.


Take the horseshoes on the ground beside the stables.

Use the Key on the chest in front of the tavern back door to receive the Coffee and Padlock.

Click the swordsmith backdoor to open it and receive the String.

Continue down to the practice range.

Practice Range

Click the man at the desk to speak with him.

Give the man the Knight Application Form from your inventory.

Take the XXL Leather Armor from the left dummy.

Take the Spear from the wooden target.

Use the Spear on the right dummy.

Take the Wooden Sword and Wooden Arm from the ground.

Use the Spear to take the Apple from the tree above the man.

Click the Apple in your inventory to reveal the Worm.

Return to the stalls in the alley.


Click the man standing next to the mule to speak with him.

Place the Wooden Arm from your inventory into the stove under the pot of cold water.

Go inside the swordsmith's shop.

Swordsmith's Shop

Take the Lime next to the pile of sand.

Take the Hammer and Tongs leaning against the side of the anvil.

Use the Wooden Sword from your inventory on the pile of sand.

Use the Spear on the hanging chandelier to knock it down.

Take the Candles, Wheel, Chain, and Hook that fall to the ground.

Place the Horseshoe on top of the smoldering coal on the furnace.

Click the bellows beside the furnace to heat the coals.

Use the Tongs to pick up the Sword-Shaped Iron mold in the sand.

Put the Sword-Shaped Iron on top of the anvil.

Use the Hammer on the crude sword to shape it.

Use the Tongs to pick up the Forged Sword.

Place the Forged Sword on the smoldering coal on the furnace.

Click the bellows to heat the sword again.

Pick up the Red-Hot Sword with the Tongs.

Put the Red-Hot Sword in the bucket of water.

Take the completed Sword out of the Empty Bucket, then click the bucket to add it to your inventory.

Go back outside to the alley.


Put the XXL Leather Armor from your inventory into the pot of boiling water.

Return to the port.


Give the Coffee from your inventory to the parrot on the sleeping captain's shoulder.

Click the fed Parrot to add it to your inventory.

Click the Captain to take his Eyepatch

Use the Sword to cut the the rope tied to the docked ship.

Click the anchor on the other side of the ship to raise it.

Click the sail to move the ship forward.

Lower the anchor, then raise it again and take the Troll Head hoisted up with the anchor.

Use the Eyepatch on the Troll Head to make it a One-Eyed Troll Head.

Attach the String from your inventory to the Spear, add the Hook, then add the Worm to complete the Fishing Pole & Bait.

Use the Fishing Pole & Bait on the ocean to the left of the dock to receive a Bucket of Herring.

Go back to the alley.


Click the Pot of Cold Water to receive the Snug Leather Armor.

Go inside the swordsmith's shop.

Swordsmith's Shop

Place the Bucket of Herring from your inventory inside the Chimney.

Step outside the shop, then go back inside to let the herring cook.

Click the Chimney to receive Smoked Herring.

Go back outside to the alley.


Give the Smoked Herring from your inventory to the man standing beside the mule.

Use the Lime on the mule to paint it white.

Go down to the practice range.

Practice Range

Give the One-Eyed Troll Head from your inventory to Sir Moak to receive your Knight Permit.

Return to the port.


Click the upper-left side of the screen to travel to the wilderness.

More hints